CSS Past Paper International Relations 2025

Here you can find the CSS Past Paper International Relations 2025 | CSS International Relations Past Paper 2025. International Relations Past Paper CSS 2025: The Central Superior Services (CSS) annual Examination 2025 latest past paper CSS International Relations Past Paper 2025 available. You can also check on this site CSS, All Years, All Subjects, Federal Public Service Commission past papers, and complete guidelines with the best resources.

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CSS Past Paper International Relations 2025

CSS International Relations Past Paper 2025 PART – I:

Q.1. Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet.

(i) The author of the book “The End of History and the Last Man” is:
a. Fukuyama b. Huntington
c. Kissinger
d. Christine Faire
e. None of these
(ii) The author of the book “Twenty Years Crisis” is:
a. Rosenau
b. Harold J Laski
c. E. H. Carr
d. John Dewey
e. None of these
(iii) Balance of power is based on:
a. Realist Paradigm
b. Liberal Paradigm
c. Marxist Paradigm
d. Post Modernism
e. None of these
(iv) Emmanuel Kant and John Locke provide the philosophical basis for:
a. Realism
b. Liberalism
c. Post Modernism
d. Behaviouralism
e. None of these
(v) Pre Emptive Strike Doctrine confers upon states the:
a. Right to attack any potential threat to its security.
b. Right to attack when they are actually attacked
c. The responsibility to intervene in the domestic affairs of other states for humanitarian protection
d. Duty to respond to the calls of UN.
e. None of these
(vi) Modern State System is believed to have started with:
a. End of Second World War
b. Versailles Treaty
c. End of Cold Ward. Peace of Westphalia
e. None of these
(vii) The 1979 summit meeting which led to peace between Egypt and Israel was held at:
a. Camp X-Ray
b. Camp Roger
c. Camp New York
d. Camp David
e. None of these
(viii) Apartheid was a policy of the:
a. State of Israel
b. State of West Africa
c. State of South Africa
d. State of North Africa
e. None of these
(ix) Pakistan joined NAM in:
a. 1955
b. 1978
c. 1988
d. 1985
e. None of these
(x) In Pakistan:
a. All treaties must be ratified by Senate to become binding.
b. The government can bind Pakistan to any treaty without informing the Parliament.
c. Constitution requires a referendum on each treaty before it becomes binding.
d. All provincial governments must also agree with the federal government before a treaty becomes binding.
e. None of these
(xi) SAARC was established in:
a. 1993
b. 1985
c. 1990
d. 1998
e. None of these
(xii) NATO has announced to hand over all security operations in Afghanistan to Afghans in:
a. 2025
b. 2025
c. 2025
d. 2104
e. None of these
(xiii) Intifada refers to:
a. The Russian revolution
b. The spontaneous popular uprising of the Palestinians beginning in the late 1980s
c. Palestinian relations with Jordan
d. The popular uprising of the Arab people for democracy
e. None of these
(xiv) Through Balfour Declaration 1917:
a. USA announced its support for the creation of Israel
b. Britain announced its support for the creation of independent Palestine
c. Britain announced its commitment to the creation of a Jewish state in the Middle East
d. The Soviet Union announced its support for the World Revolution
e. None of these
(xv) The current row between the US and Iran is about:
a. Iran’s system of Education
b. Iran’s Democracy
c. Iran’s Nuclear Program
d. Iran’s relations with Pakistan
e. None of these
(xvi) Kerry Lugar Bill is about:
a. Aid specifically to Pakistani flood victims
b. Aid to Pakistan
c. Aid to Pakistan Army
d. Aid to Muslim countries
e. None of these
(xvii) Indo-Chinese war occurred in:
a. 1965
b. 1962
c. 1971
d. 1948
e. None of these
(xviii) Ho Chi Minh was:
a. Leader of Vietnam
b. Leader of Laos
c. Leader of Thailand
d. Leader of Japan
e. None of these
(xix) Missile crisis of 1962 was between:
a. USA, USSR and Cuba
b. USA, USSR and Argentine
c. USA, USSR and Egypt
d. USA, USSR and Iran
e. None of these
(xx) New International Economic Order:
a. Is the Economic System structured after the end of the Cold War.
b. Was the demand of the rich countries to change the International Economic System
c. Was the demand of the Global South to restructure the International Economic System.
d. Is the International Economic System based on technological revolution
e. None of these.

Part – II

Q.2. Define International Relations. Identify and explain its continuously changing and expanding nature and subject matter?
Q.3. Define and explain international Law. Does International Law have any real role in international Relations?
Q.4. Discuss and explain the causes of World War II. Could a different policy by Britain, France, and the USA have avoided its occurrence?
Q.5. Discuss the significance and the increasing role of International Society in the classically sovereign domains of state with reference to United Nations. Also, debate whether the UN in its present structure of status can play the increased role expected of it?
Q.6. Identify the main arguments of Realism and Liberalism in IR. Which approach appeals to you as a better explaining IR and why? Discuss the empirical evidence.
Q.7. Discuss and analyze the role of the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Was it a stabilizing or destabilizing factor in International Relations? Elaborate your answer with reference to theory and facts.
Q.8. Explain why, despite being a target of terrorism, Pakistan’s international allies often publicly express dissatisfaction with Pakistan’s counter-terrorism policy and actions? Is this a failure of Pakistani diplomacy or a weakness in its policy? Identify the fault and suggest corrective measures, if required.

Tariq Nawaz

All of the top achievers I know are life-long learners. Looking for new skills, insights, and ideas. If they’re not learning, they’re not growing and not moving toward excellence. "All things good to know are difficult to learn."

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