CSS Past Paper International Law 2025
Here we will be provided CSS Past Paper International Law 2025 | CSS International Law Past Paper 2025. International Law Past Paper CSS 2025: The Central Superior Services (CSS) annual Examination 2025 latest past paper CSS International Law Past Paper 2025 available. You can also check on this site CSS, All Years, All Subjects, Federal Public Service Commission past papers, and complete guidelines with the best resources.
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CSS Past Paper International Law 2025
CSS International Law Past Paper 2025 PART – I
1. Pakistan became a member of UNO in:
a. 1948
b. 1947
c. 1950
d. None of these
2. Articles of UN Charter are:-
a. 115
b. 111
c. 120
d. None of these
3. Which article of the Statute of International Court of Justice deals with the sources of International Law?
a. 36
b. 40
c. 38
d. None of these
4. Secretary-General of UNO is from:-
a. Russia
b. Holland
c. South Korea
d. None of these
5. Total Members of the UNO are:
a. 180
b. 150
c. 192
d. None of these
6. The Headquarters of the International Court of Justice is at:
a. Geneva
b. Hague
c. New York
d. None of these
7. Which article of the 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea deals with the breadth of the territorial sea:
a. 4
b. 7
c. 3
d. None of these
8. Who is called the father of the law of nations?
a. Jeremy Benthem
b. Oppenheim
c. Hugo Grotius
d. None of these
9. The Security Council takes enforcement measures with respect to threats to the peace under the chapter:
a. 5
b. 7
c. 9
d. None of these
10. Locarno Pact (1925) concluded between:
a. UK, France, Germany, Belgium, and Italy
b. Russia, USA, China, Canada, and Brazil
c. Australia, New Zealand, Portugal, Argentina, and Peru
d. None of these
11. De Jure Belli Ac Pacis (The Law of War and Peace) was written by:
a. Vattel
b. Bynkershoek
c. Hugo Grotius
d. None of these
12. The Nuremberg Trails were held at:
a. Holland
c. Germany
d. None of these
13. Territorial Waters and Maritime Zone Act, 1976 of Pakistan contains articles:
a. 20
b. 17
c. 14
d. None of these
14. “International Law is not a true law but a positive international morality”, said:-
a. John Austin
b. Oppenheim
c. Brierly
d. None of these
15. The term international law was first coined by:
a. Hugo Grotius
b. Jeremy Bentham
c. Hagel
d. None of these
16. One of the presidents of the USA is called the father of the League of the Nations
a. Roosevelt
b. Truman
c. Wilson
d. None of these
17. Extradition means:
a. Handing over a diplomat to other states
b. Handing over a spy to other states
c. Handing over a criminal to other stated. None of these
18. Persona non grata means:
a. Ungrateful diplomat
b. Inefficient diplomat
c. Undesirable diplomat
d. None of these
19. One of the forcible means of settling state disputes is:
a. Conciliation
b. Retorsion
c. Arbitration
d. None of these
20. International Law Commission was established by the General Assembly in pursuance of which article of UN Charter:
a. 10
b. 13
c. 17
d. None of these
Q. 2: “As the basis of the Law of Nations is the common consent of the member states of the Family of Nations, it is evident there must exist as many sources of international law as there are facts through which such common consent can possibly come into existence.” (Oppenheim). Discuss
Q. 3: “International Law is primarily concerned with the rights, duties, and interests of states.” Examine this statement with reference to the place of individuals and non-state entities in International Law.
Q. 4: “The Subject of Recognition is one of the most difficult branches of international law, not merely from the points of view of exposition of principles, but also intrinsically by reason of many difficulties which arise in practice.” Discuss
Q. 5: Define Diplomatic Envoy. Give a short account of the functions, privileges, and immunities of the diplomatic envoys accredited to other states?
Q. 6: “The Practice of United Nations Organization Show that while the principle of Self-Determination is agreed upon, neither the scope of its application nor the method of decolonization has been settled.” Discuss
Q. 7: “All the major issues on voting in the Secretary Council are now satisfactorily resolved. The real problem today is about the composition of the Security Council.” Discuss
Q. 8: Elucidate and justify: “The United Nations in spite of its imperfections, is the only organization that can save humanity from disaster and complete annihilation.”?