CSS Exam 2025 Fee and Age Limitation

So, if you want to know the CSS Exam 2025 Fee and Age Limitation. Then you are reaching a good place. Here we are going to discuss all the mandatory information that is best for your knowledge. Every year a large amount of people appear in the CSS paper but they lack knowledge. Due to this reason, they cannot pass this test. But you need to don’t worry we are also providing you with the best preparation way of this test which will be very helpful for you. Anyways, we are also discussing here the basic description of this test. So, if you want more information then you need to read further details which are mentioned below paragraph.

Most of the students have a wish after graduation. They would appear in the CSS exams but if they have not good preparation then he/she considered to fail in the paper. Then will feel less confident and not struggle once again. There are multiple chances for you to pass this test. But it will be possible when you have the spirit to pass this test. Moreover, it requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and punctuation. After that, CSS officers are referred to as bureaucrats. Those who pass this exam are qualified to be hired as designated government officers with a BPS-17 position.

CSS exam Age Limitation?

The age limit for candidates applying for the CSS Exam is 21 to 30 years. The age limit is relaxed by two years (making 32 years as maximum age) for a candidate currently serving as a government employee or belonging to recognized tribes and areas. The criteria for age relaxation are given at the end of the page. The upper age limit for the special examination has been fixed at 35 years. Women and minority candidates of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) will be able to take the exam. Only the minority candidates from Punjab and Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) will be able to appear in the exams.

CSS Exam 2025 Fee and Age Limitation

More Formation Here

The abbreviation of the CSS (Central Superior Services) is a very competitive exam in Pakistan. Basically, it is a permanent elite civil service authority, and the civil service is responsible for running the bureaucratic operations and government secretariats and directorates of the Cabinet of Pakistan.

Eligibility criteria:

Every candidate must have obtained at least a second division or grade “C” in their bachelor’s degree from any HEC-recognized Pakistani university. An equivalent degree from a foreign university, recognized by the HEC, will also be accepted, provided you apply for equivalence.

CSS Exam 2025 Fee?

The fee for the CSS exams is 2200/- rupees. On the other hand, fees will be deposited in the nearest Govt. Treasury / State Bank of Pakistan / National Bank of Pakistan under the account head “CO2102-Organs of State Exam Fee (FPSC Receipt). Fill in the ‘Online Application Form’ on the official website of FPSC. Take a printout (hard copy) of the same online form.

The documents required for the CSS 2025 written exam:

  • An original bank Treasury Receipt (TR) and an attested copy of a CNIC.
  • An attested copy of a matriculation certificate (showing the date of birth) and an intermediate certificate are required.
  • Attested copies of degree(s) and self-domicile Certificates are required.

Nosheen Fatima

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