CSS Exam 2025 Eligibility Criteria in Pakistan

If you are looking for the CSS Exam 2025 Eligibility Criteria in Pakistan then here is the right place. A candidate who has acquired the citizenship of Pakistan by registration under the Pakistan Citizenship Act. The Rules made thereunder should attach to the application the certificate (attested copy thereof) of citizenship. A candidate who has not been registered as a citizen of Pakistan. But claims that he/ she should be deemed to be a citizen of Pakistan. Under the Pakistan Citizenship Act should submit proof to the effect that he/ she fulfills.

The conditions based on which he/ she claims to be deemed as a citizen of Pakistan. A candidate who derives his/ her nationality from the State of Jammu and Kashmir should attach to the application a certificate issued by the Kashmir Affairs Division in support of his/ her claim. Only those candidates shall be considered for vacancies reserved for Azad Jammu and Kashmir whose application forms for the Competitive Examination are accompanied by the domicile certificate along with the Permanent Residence Certificate, issued by the Kashmir Affairs Division, of that territory. No such certificates shall be accepted at any later stage.

FPSC CSS Exams Eligibility Criteria in Pakistan

A person can avail how many attempts in the CSS exam? There are only three chances for candidates to appear in the CSS exams. No candidate can appear in the CSS exams more than three times. If candidates apply for the CSS exams but do not appear in any one paper of the CSS exams then he/they will not be considered as one-time attempts. A candidate will be considered to have attempted in the CSS exams. Only if she/he appears in any one or more papers of CSS exams.

Age Requirements:

A candidate must be aged 22 to 28 years to take the CSS examination 2025.

 A candidate’s age can only be verified via one of the following documents:

  • Matriculation Certificate
  • School Leaving Certificate
  • An Attested Birth Certificate

Academic Requirements:

  1. All candidates must hold a Grade C bachelor’s degree issued by an HEC-registered university in Pakistan. For overseas students, an equivalent degree of the same qualification can be accepted however, the final decision lies with the Pakistani Commission.
  2. Holders of a Third Division Bachelor’ Degree can only sit for the examination if they are joint holders of a higher division Master’s Degree.

CSS Exam 2025 Eligibility Criteria in Pakistan

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Nationality Requirements:

  • The candidate for the examination must be a citizen of Pakistan or a person deriving his/ her nationality from the State of Jammu and Kashmir.
  • A Woman candidate who is otherwise eligible can also compete in the examination.
  • Seats earmarked for prescribed provincial/ regional quotas shall be allocated to candidates based on the domicile certificate issued by the competent authority following the law and the rules.

The domicile once claimed and accepted by the Commission for admission to an examination, no change will be allowed at a subsequent examination or selection. The domicile claimed by a candidate and accepted by the Government at the time of entry into Government service shall be treated as final throughout his/ her service career and no subsequent change in his/ her domicile will be recognized for terms and conditions of his/ her service including his/ her allocation and liability to transfer.

A candidate who has married a person who is not a citizen of Pakistan shall not be eligible for appointment provided that a person. Who marries an Indian national with the prior permission of the Government may be regarded as eligible for appointment. A candidate having dual Nationality must Surrender his/ her Foreign Nationality and inform the Government before joining the Civil Services Academy.

Nosheen Fatima

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