
Career After FSC Pre Engineering in Pakistan

Students can get information about the Career After FSC Pre Engineering in Pakistan from this website. Every year thousands of the students do FSC but most of the student don’t continue their studies after doing FSC pre engineering. There are many reason behind this step taken by the students but the most common reason is that, they won’t get admission in any Public engineering university. The competition among the students is increasing day by day and it has become difficult for an average student to get admission in engineering programs. The biggest reason behind this circumstance is that there are only few public engineering colleges in Pakistan.

Those who cannot get admission in public institute, do not continue their studies because they cannot pay the dues of the private universities. Some student even don’t know that there are thousands of fields where they can go after doing FSC engineering but they don’t even have idea about these fields. If you are also a student than let me tell you the best fields after intermediate in Pakistan. There are large number fields where a person can go after doing pre engineering. Most famous degrees after engineering are as follow.

Career After FSC Pre Engineering in Pakistan

Aerospace Engineering:

It is one of the newest field in Pakistan as well as one of the top rising fields not only in Pakistan but also in all across the world. Aerospace Engineering is the study of manufacturing aircrafts and space crafts. A person can do this degree program after completing his FSC pre engineering from any board or college. Only few engineering universities are offering this course.Career After FSC Pre Engineering in Pakistan

Computer Science Engineering:

It is also one of the top rising field in the Pakistan as it is one of the newest engineering fields in Pakistan. This course deals with the basics of the programming and networking. A person can take admission in this course after completing Intermediate part 2 with engineering programs. There are large number of jobs in the market for the computer sciences engineers.

Electrical Engineering:

It is one of the most common engineering degrees in Pakistan that a person can do after doing FSC pre engineering. It is one of the best Career After FSC In Pakistan for students who are looking for career in engineering fields.

Mechanical Engineering:

Mechanical engineering is one of the most common engineering degrees in Pakistan. This field has also huge scope in Pakistan and a person can get a good job after doing this program in Pakistan. So if you have done FSC pre engineering than pursue your career in mechanical field through doing Mechanical engineering.


If you are not interested in the engineering fields than after doing FSC pre engineering you can do BBA in Pakistan. BBA is one of the most demanding field and degree in Pakistan. SO if you are not interested in engineering courses than do BBA in Pakistan after intermediate.

Computer Sciences:

After doing intermediate a person can do computer sciences like BSCS which are considering the best degree in Pakistan. This is a good option for a student who want to do a good degree after completing Intermediate.

Join Pakistan Armed Forces:

If you don’t want to continue your studies and want to do any good job than you can join any of the armed forces of Pakistan. You can become a pilot or can do army officer job. There are also option for you to join Pakistan. Joining Pakistan armed forces is one of the best career for a student who don’t want to continue their country or want to serve their country, land and nation. A person can serve his country by joining these armed forces.
If you have any question in your mind regarding to the Career After FSC in Pakistan than you can ask from us through this website. We will answer your questions as soon as possible. You can also stay tuned with us on this website for further and more up to dated information about your questions related to the career.

nabeel zahid

I am professional writer holding degree MA in Education consulting students for their career growth. I also have experience, focusing on new updates in all educational boards of Pakistan to help students.

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