Cadet College Swat 8th Class Admission 2025

Here we are going to give you information about admission to the 8th class in Cadet College Swat for session 2025. Cadet College had announced admissions officially & get from this page Cadet College Swat 8th Class Admission 2025, form, eligibility criteria. NTS conducts the written test on 27 December stay here for the test answer key and result online. The students who are eligible according to the given criteria can get admission to this dynamic institute. Following are the eligibility criteria for the candidates who want to get admission to this school.
After the entry test, this college will also have a medical test it is also very compulsory. This is for all those candidates who will fail in it will also be not entertained with college facilities. For further details follow the official site of swat Cadet College otherwise keep watching our site we will update all the news of this college.
Cadet College Swat 8th Class Admission 2025
- Applicant should be a student of 7th or 8th class
- The candidate’s age should be between 12 to 14 years. 6-month relaxation for hafiz-e-Quran
- Five hundred late fees will be taken from the candidates who will be late in submitting the fees the dates for late fee submission are 21st November to 30th November
- In the third session, the fine will be 1000 from 1st December to 5th December
- This college will take an admission test in which general science, English, math, Urdu, and Islamic studies are compulsory.
- NTS will give services for this admission test. Entry tests are in the following cities in which Karachi, Lahore Rawalpindi, Peshawar, swat, and Quetta, and the test is on 27th December.
- In the entry test, the questions will be of MCQ type and the student should prepare the above-mentioned subjects.
- You can get your prospectus from the college after paying 600 rupees and by post. You have to pay Rs 1000 to get these prospectuses. The application form and other procedures are with these prospectuses.
- If you are paying online then you also have to attach the bank draft of 1500 rupees.
The admission will completely be based on merit all the candidates who will lie on merit will get admission in this college otherwise all the ineligible candidates will not be entertained. The official site of this cadet college is
Here we give you information about the entry test and admission in the cadet college swat. If any queries occur then watch the official site given above if problems do not solve. Then leave a comment in the comment box.