Bise Peshawar Matric Result 2025
Here you will come to know about the Bise Peshawar Matric Result 2025 Top 20 Positions Holders from this site. Bise Peshawar is one of the biggest boards of Pakistan which has been taking and organizing exams for those students who live in Peshawar or the areas which are linked with this city. Every year a large number of students apply for the final board exam of Matric part one and part two.
This year also a large number of students have applied for admission and appeared in the board exam of Matric part one and part two. All those students who have appeared in the exams are now looking for the result because on the basis of the result they will promote to new classes or will repeat the same classes next year too. There are also some brilliant students who will top the board this year and takes positions on the board.
All those students who are curious to know about the top positions on this board can check the list of toppers from this site. If you are also interested to know about the list of toppers then you are in right place. Here you will come to know about the list of top 20 positions in Bise Peshawar which is mention below. So have a look at the below paragraphs.
Bise Peshawar Matric Result 2025 Top 20 Positions Holders
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- Bise Peshawar Matric Top 20 Positions Holders
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Peshawar is one of the biggest cities of Pakistan where a large number of students are present in this city. A large number of students appear in the exam of Matric part one and part two every year. This year also a large number of students have appeared in the exam of Matric part one and part two. All those students are now waiting for the result. As well as students want to know that who has topped the exam and who are the top 20 position holders. If you are also a student of Matric and looking for the top 20 position holders then you are in right place.
The officials have not announced the list of top position holders as well as they have not announced the result yet. As they will announce the result or position holders, we will also update it here soon. If you have any questions in your mind then you can ask us by commenting below. We will answer your questions as soon as possible,