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Best Business Schools in Pakistan Top Ranked and Accredited

A business school is a university-level institution that confers degrees in Business Administration. They can also be known by such names as College of Business, College of Business Administration, School of Business, or School of Business Administration. A business school teaches topics such as accounting, administration, economics, entrepreneurship, finance, information systems, marketing, organizational behavior, public relations, strategy, human resource management, and quantitative methods.

In the previous year many business schools emerged as top-ranked schools in Pakistan. It is the desire of every person to get an education from these schools because they can easily get jobs after acquiring a degree from the top-ranked business schools of Pakistan because education has a key role in creating awareness among the people of the entire world. Education plays a key role in making the future of a person bright. No one can go to the top without education. A good business school teaches the individual the current methods of business management. They make the students think in a different direction not just cramming of the syllabus. Students learn the strategies of business in a good business school.

Best Business Schools in Pakistan

In Pakistan, there are many HEC-recognized business schools in the public sector as well as the private sector. Among all the institutions, there are some renowned institutes that provide quality education to students. Business schools mean institutions that provide business-related courses like Bachelor of Business Administration BBA and MBA. BBA (Hons.) is a 4 years degree program after which you can do an MBA which is 1 or 2 years of duration. The special subjects of the MBA are HRM, Finance, Accounting, etc.

Best Business Schools in Pakistan

Here is the list of top-ranked business schools in Pakistan.

1. LUMS-Lahore University of Management Sciences (Lahore)
2. IBA-Institute of Business Administration (Karachi)
3. Iqra University, (Karachi)
4. LSE (Lahore School of Economics)
5. NUST National University (Business School Islamabad)
6. UMT-University of Management & Technology (Lahore)
7. SZABIST-Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science & technology (Karachi)
8. IBoM-Institute of Business Management (Karachi)
9. Institute of Management Sciences (Lahore)
10. PIM-Pakistan Institute of Management (Karachi)
11. FAST- NU Lahore Business school
12. National collage for Business Administration and Economics Lahore (NCBA&E)
13. University of Punjab (Institute of Business Administration)
14. FCC (Forman Christian college-School of Management)
15. University of Central Punjab (PCBA)
16. Karachi University Business School (KUBS)
17. Iqra University, Islamabad
18. Institute of Management sciences (Peshawar)
19. UCL-University college Lahore
20. Bahauddin Zakariya University (Multan)

Nosheen Fatima

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