Air University COMS Call for Papers Short Courses 2025
The AIR University AU Institute Conference on Modeling and Simulation ICOMS has announced the Air University COMS Call for Papers Short Courses 2025 in various courses and Call for the Papers Short course 2025. The International Conference on Modeling and Simulation (ICOMS-2023) will be held at AIR University, Islamabad, in November 2025. Leading researchers from academia and industry from Pakistan and abroad will gather together at this conference to share their cutting-edge research.
Submissions are hence sought from all areas of Modeling and Simulation, including but not limited to the following. Undergraduate Poster Competition Cash Awards and Merit Certificates Open to Undergraduate Students The names of students and supervising acuity must be included in the poster.
- Poster maximum size (Panaflex), 24″ a 60″
- A nominal fee of Rs. 3000/. per Poster for students not registered
For the conference to cover organizational expenses for tea/coffee breaks. lunch and meat certificates. A nominal fee of Rs. 1900/. per Poster for students registered for the conference. An additional leaned Rs. 500f- applies to each student beyond a maximum number of 3-Students, allowed for a poster. 3 cash awards of PKR 40, 00,20 Thousand respectively for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd positions.
The Undergraduate Poster Award will recognize research and creative activities, ongoing or completed by undergraduate students. Individuals and teams are eligible for this competition. The research posters should highlight the research completed by the students and should include the research title, organizational affiliation, synopsis of research, diagrams, and results.
Air University COMS Call for Papers Short Courses 2025
Conference Tracks
- Aircraft Dynamics
- Automation, Control & Robotics
- Biomechanics, Tele-Medicine & Neuro Sciences
- Civil and Environmental Applications
- Computational Methods
- Computational Solid and Fluid Mechanics
- Computer Science Applications
- Defense Applications
- Deterministic Modeling and Simulation
- Digital Image & Signal Processing
- Energy & Power Systems (Conventional, Renewable, and Advanced Energy Systems)
- Engineering Design (PRPD, RP, FMEA, FTA, etc.)
- Information Technology
- Management, Econometrics & Social Sciences
- Manufacturing & Material Sciences
- Mathematical Finance
- Navigation, Guidance, and Control
- Operations Research & Industrial Applications
- Optimal State Estimation
- Stochastic Modeling and Simulation
- System Analysis and Control
- Telecommunication
- Vehicle Dynamics
- Development of Hybrid Sustainable Energy Systems (Special Track)
- Meshfree RBF Methods for Partial Differential Equations (Special Track)
- Variationally Models in Image Processing (Special Track)
- Wavelets in Scientific Computing (Special Track)
- Any Other Topic Relevant to Conference Theme
For Further Information about the AIR University AU Institute Conference on Modeling and Simulation ICOMS calls for papers and for the admission and short courses you should keep staying with us here on this page and if you want to ask anything more about it so you should comment us here in below comment section because here we will help you as we can!