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Aiou Complete Admission Guide For Students

If you are looking AIOU Complete Admission Guide For Students then here is the right place. The study is based on a modified semester system. Here viewers can also find the Aiou Complete Admission Guide For Students.  The academic year is divided into two semesters namely Spring and Autumn. General education and functional courses are offered in each semester. Ph. D, M.Phil, M.Sc/MA and Teacher Education Programs i.e. PTC, CT, B.Ed. , M. Ed. are announced once a year. The study period for each semester generally lasts 18 weeks, plus Two weeks for preparation for the examination. Admissions are offered twice a year as given below:

In addition, a student who fails in the assignment component is not eligible to appear in the final examination. He/she has to take re-admission in that particular course and repeat it. A student who fails in the final examination is also allowed two more chances to reappear in the examination within the next three semesters on payment of reappearing fee only.

Opening Date
Spring February 6
Autumn August 5
Closing Date
Spring March 10
Autumn September 10

Continuing Students

AIOU Continuing Students:
All the students who are also enrolled with the University in one or more courses in the previous semester. They must send a pre-printed computerized Admission Form for next semester by the AIOU Admission Office. Along with the Brochure wherein detail of the courses. Also, fee tariff and the list of nominated Bank branches of National Bank of Pakistan/First Women Bank is mentioned. The course offerings relate to their respective programmers in which he/she is previously enrolled and wishes to take admission in the next semester.

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The student will select the course/s out of this list and fill in the admission form in the appropriate column. In the change of address, he/she will also fill in the address column with the new address and fee column as well.


Overseas Students

The University offers its educational programs only in the following countries:-

  •  Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Kuwait
  • Qatar
  • Abu Dhabi
  • Dubai
  • Sharjah
  • Sultanate of Oman
  • Bahrain  (Arrangements are available to offer these programs in other countries also)

At present only General Education Programs of Higher Secondary School Certificate, BA level, and Elementary Arabic are offered for the overseas Pakistanis. Arrangements are being made to offer other post-graduate.

To facilitate the continuing students, a sample of blank admission form is available. In case the Form is not received by the student, this can be downloaded and sent to the University along with the fee to be deposited through Bank Challan (other than those where the admission is based on selection) with the designated branches of the National Bank of Pakistan or The First Women Bank. The list of designated branches of the banks for depositing the fee and the form is given separately. The back page of the computerized Admission Form contains the necessary information/instructions. Before filling the admission form, the instructions are given hereunder must be read carefully.

  1. This form will be used by students who are already enrolled with the university in any of the program (i.e. SSC, HSSC, Bachelor and Post Graduate, etc.) and want to take admission in the next semester courses of the same program
  2. The particulars must be entered legibly.
  3. The courses being offered in the next semester program e.g. SSC, HSSC, Bachelors, and Post Graduate can be seen or downloaded. Before entering the courses to be taken, the chairman concerned department must be consulted to avoid any inconvenience as in some programs all the courses are not offered in every semester. For SSC, HSSC, Bachelors level program, however, all the courses are offered every semester.
  4. The list of courses to be offered for each program in the subsequent semester is given separately.
  5. One has to fill in the column of mailing address if there is any change, otherwise, it must be left blank.
  6. Students from overseas will have to pay the fee in US$ and the bank draft must be payable at Islamabad.
  7. In case the fee deposit is in any of the branches of the bank through a challan form is, and deposit the same along with the admission form. A sample of the challan form is available.
  8. An incomplete form is unacceptable.
  9. Change of course or address during a semester is not permissible.
  10. However, changes in the course are available in special circumstances before submission of the first assignment date and on payment of the change of course fee for the required course along with the formal request/application.
  11. Also, there is no reimbursement of the course fee after the mailing of the study package.
  12. Fee refund rules are separate.

Educational Programmes

The University has introduced a wide range of undergraduate, graduate, Master’s, M.Phil. and Doctoral programs. The University also offers basic functional courses for illiterates and semi-literates. These programs have given distinction to the University in relation to other educational institutions of Pakistan as it caters to the needs of all age groups and levels of education. A summary of the Existing Programs are as follows:

Aiou Complete Admission Guide For Students

  • Ph.D Programmes
  • M. Phil Programmes
  • Master’s Programmes
  • B.Ed Programme
  • Bachelor Programmes
  • Higher Secondary School Certificate (Intermediate)
  • Secondary School Certificate (Matric)
  • Post Graduate Diploma (PGD)
  • Diploma in Education
  • Primary Teaching Certificate (PTC)
  • Certificate of Teaching (CT, ATTC, French Online)

Examination System

Examination Department remains associated with every student till the award of Degree/certificate. Department performs the following tasks:

  • Collection of the result of continuous assessment component from Regions and its inclusion in the final result.
  • Also, Conduct of term final examination at the centers like the conventional system and compilation/processing of the result.
  • Issuance of Certificate/Degrees to successful students.


Assessment of students in the distance education system is by two modes:

•  Continuous Assessment

•  Term. Final Examination on

1. Continuous Assessment:

1.1 Assignments

Additionally, the students must do two assignments for each half-credit course and four assignments for each full credit course. However, the marks obtained in the assignments contribute to the final course result. For successful completion of the course, it is imperative to obtain a minimum of 40% from Matric to Master level programs and 50% for M.Phil & Ph.D. programs. Also, students failing in continuous assessment (assignments) are not eligible to appear in the final examination.

1.2 Purpose of Assignments

The main purpose of assignments is to test the student’s comprehension of the syllabus of courses and books. Also, the students receive from the University and also to help them to get through these courses.

Also, the students need to take the assignments seriously. Therefore, a simple omission on their part may cause considerable loss to them, which can be avoided by exercising proper care.

1.3 Submission of Assignments

The students should submit complete answers to all assignments’ questions in their own words and before submitting the assignments they should ensure that they have answered all questions in all assignments. Therefore, normally after evaluation, the teacher returns the marked assignments to the students with comments and grading. All students must submit assignments within the due date and no assignment is acceptable after the due date. It is also the responsibility of the students to get back their duly evaluate assignments along with a copy of the assessments sheet containing comments of the teacher on their performance.

2. Term Final Examination

2.1 Need of Examination

The final examination is another component of the overall assessment system of a course. Exams help the students to review their studies and see the course as a whole. Also, at the end of each semester, the University arranges a final three hours, written examination in each course on the set dates, usually at the convention center established near the home town of students.

Thus, the final examinations carry 70% weightage in the determination of final results. However, in order to be eligible to appear in the final examination in any course, the student also needs to obtain at least a minimum of 40% from Matric to Master level program and 50% for M.Phil & Ph.D. programs qualifying marks in the assignments. The minimum passing marks in the final examinations are 40% from Matric to Master level program and 50% for M.Phil & Ph.D. programs.

Also, in case a student fails to get minimum qualifying marks in the final examinations. He/she can re-appear in the examination of the same course during the next semester. In case he again fails, one more final chance is available to qualify for the examinations in the next semester. However, if he does not obtain minimum passing marks in 3 rd attempt in the final examinations. He/she is failing in the overall evaluation of the course no matter he has passing marks in the assignments. In this circumstance, he/she will have to re-enroll in that particular course(s) after paying the requisite admission fee of course(s).

2.2 Viva Voce

In the Post-Graduate Programme, the thesis component also carries weight. After evaluation of the thesis by the external experts, the student has to appear before a viva-voce committee to defend a thesis.

3. General Information

3.1 Issuance of Roll No. Slips

The University sends Roll Number Slip to each student to appear in the final examination at least 10 days before the examinations. In which the Roll Number, Registration, and date on which paper is, are also available. However, if any student does not receive this intimation slip 10 days before the commencement of examinations, he/she can also contact Deputy Controller Examination (Results) Block 3, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad Telephone No 051 9250015 & Incharge, Complaints & Information Cell Phone No 051 9250014 or concerned Regional Office for obtaining duplicate Roll No. Slip. The same is also available in print from the AIOU web site:

3.2 Change of Examination Center:

The University does not entertain the request for change of Examination Centre except in exceptional circumstances wherein the student has genuine reasons for this change. For this, she/she has to apply at least 45 days before the commencement of examinations.

3.3 Eligibility for Appearing in Examinations :

It is the duty of the student to check whether he/she has registered for that particular course. Also, whether he/she is eligible to appear for the examination or not. However, if he/she neglects this and takes the examinations without being eligible for it, his/her results are canceled. The student must bring their National Identity Cards while appearing in the examination centers to prove his/her identity.

3.4 Declaration of Results of Examinations

The results of examinations are also available within three months of completion of examinations and are available at his/her postal address by ordinary mail. Therefore, students can download results from the AIOU website.

3.5 Weightage of Assignments & Final Examination

For calculation of final result of a student weightage of assignments & final examination is considered as 30% and 70% respectively.

3.6 Preparation of Certificates/Degrees

On successful completion of the required number of courses for a program, the student also has to apply to the Certificate Section of the Examinations Department for the issuance of Certificate/Degree. The certificate/degree to the successful student is also within the period of two years.

•  Grading Scheme

The University has adopted the following grading scheme for its students:

80% and above


70% to 79%


60% to 69%


50% to 59%


40% to 49%


Below 40%


(The percentage in the assignment and final examination do not apply to programs like BBA, MBA as indicated earlier).

At least Credits Required for Certificates, Diplomas, and Degrees:

Qualifications are on a credit basis. A full-credit course contains 18 units while a half-credit course consists of nine units to study during a semester. If assignments are also successful and the final examination for the course is complete, a student will have credit.

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