Career Options

After Matric 10th Class Courses and Diplomas List in Pakistan

Matric class is considered the first step towards our academic life. Here you can find the details Of the Matric 10th Class Courses and Diplomas List in Pakistan. This is not so difficult but, there is a hindrance to the culture of Pakistan. There is no awareness of career counseling in this society. Therefore, most of the students quit their studies because they can not find the right career or they are not guided properly. This is why there is a need to give awareness and counseling to people to assess their little ones for the right career.

Therefore it becomes necessary for the students at this level to choose the best course that would benefit them in all their lives. Teachers but in this age of IT the students try to search different fields and options available for them after matric class and we will upload here all the information about careers after the 10th Class in Pakistan.

after matric courses in pakistan for female

The ones working with electronics and electricity are electrical engineers. The engineers working with the chemicals are chemical engineers. With all this, the students can become architects. There are many other branches that these students can join. There is the application of maths and physics in this field. Therefore, the student choosing this field must have an interest in calculations, graphing, and most importantly in mathematics.

After Matric 10th Class Courses and Diplomas List in Pakistan

The choice of courses after matric class becomes very important because this initial step decides the destiny and future of a student. There are different combinations of subjects available after matric class in Pakistan.

  • C.S
  • FSc Pre-Medical
  • FSc Pre-Engineering
  • Com
  • FA
  • Diploma in Associate Engineering
  • Computer Diplomas
  • Medical Diplomas

Which diploma is best after matric in Pakistan


Career after 10th class in Pakistan

I.C.S (Physics, Statistics):

I.C.S is the name of a foundation in computer science. The full form of ICS is intermediate of Computer Science. This study is based on computer education. The students who have an interest in computers can follow a career in this field. There are different areas in this career track. The applicant can choose any of those paths to a bright future. There is a great scope of this field in the market because all modern technology is shifting on computers. This is a great opportunity for upcoming students.

F.Sc. Pre-Medical:

There is a great demand for students in F.Sc. Pre-Medical. This is a bit difficult area of study because it is related to life forms. This includes all the life that exists on earth. Therefore, this is an important yet best track for any student who has any interest in exploring nature and its aspects. The study needs dedication, devotion, and love for the lives of others. The field leads the students to be a doctor, a nurse, a botanist, a zoologist, and many more. If a student is enough hard work to continue in this field then, such a student should pursue a career in the medical field. The gateway to the medical field is F.Sc. premedical.

F.Sc. Pre-Engineering:

F.Sc. pre-engineering is the gateway to the field of engineering. Engineers have great significance in our daily course of life.  We can complete nothing without the engineers. They are an essential part of our society. There are different fields of engineering. There are engineers who work with the construction of structures of great buildings and bridges are civil engineers.


Intermediate in commerce is the name of the study of business and management. the meaning of commerce is “Trade and aid to Trade”. This means that this study is related to the studies of business management. This field has a great scope. This is because every transaction in this world is either trade or aid to trade. Trade means the exchange of commodities with cash or commodities with commodities. It is an easy field of study but needs concentration and dedication to do it.


Faculty of arts means all the arts that are prevailing in the market. There are many arts that we have in our culture. These arts include linguistics, religious scholarly, writing, poetry, photography, videography, painting, sculpture, acting, and decoration. There is a great scope of all these arts. There are many people who have a bright future in these arts.

Courses or subject combination options after master class:

The following are the compulsory subjects at the HSSC level in Pakistan.

1: Urdu

2: English

3: Islamiat (Non-Muslim students can take up Civics in place of Islamiat)

4: Pakistan Studies

1. Intermediate in Science (FSc.)

  • Pre-Medical
  • Pre-Engineering
  • ICS(Physics)

2. Intermediate in Arts (F.A)

  • I.COM
  • ICS(Statistics)
  • General Science
  • Humanities

FSC-Pre-medical group:

Chemistry, Biology, Physics


Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics

ICS Physics:

Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics

  • I.COM

Part I: Principles of Accounting, Principles of Economics, Principles of Commerce, Business Mathematics

Part II: Principles of Accounting, Commercial Geography, Computer Studies / Banking, Statistics

  • ICS (Statistics): Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science
  • General Science: Statistics, Mathematics, Economics
  • Humanities: Applicants should choose three elective subjects, one from each group respectively, for the Humanities Group.

Group 1:

Statistics, Geography, English Literature

Group 2:

Mathematics, Philosophy, Civics, Islamiat, Fine Arts

Group 3:

Economics, Psychology, Islamic History, World History, Music, Physical Education


Arabic, Advance Urdu, French, Persian

DAE (Diploma of Associate Engineering):

Candidates can also choose DAE immediately after completing Matric. There are different combinations of DAE. Matric Class supports the student’s life in a better way till the education ends and practical life starts. 10th class is very important in the life of a student because at this age most students are unable to make decisions of their studies without the proper guidance of their parents.

The culture of the country compels the students what they are asked for. Thus, most of the students quit the study and start working. This is not a good practice. There is a number of career tracks that have a bright future.  Here, we are going to discuss some of the best career options for the students.

Types of DAE Diplomas

  • Electrical Technology
  • Electronics Technology
  • Telecommunication Technology
  • Mechanical Technology
  • Computer Hardware Technology
  • Chemical Technology
  • Auto & Diesel Technology
  • Civil Technology
  • Auto & Farm Machinery Technology
  • Architecture Technology
  • Biomedical Technology
  • Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Technology
  • Dress Making & Dress Designing Technology
  • Fine Arts Technology
  • Cast Metal And Foundry Technology
  • Computer Technology
  • Die And Mold Technology
  • Food Processing and Preservation Technology
  • Food Technology
  • Glass Ceramics And Pottery Development Technology
  • Instrument Technology
  • Leather Technology
  • Foundry and Pattern Making Technology
  • Metallurgy and Welding Technology
  • Mechanical Technology (With Specialization In Construction Machinery Technology)
  • Petro-Chemical Technology
  • Petroleum Technology
  • Precision Mechanical and Instrument Technology
  • Printing And Graphic Arts Technology
  • Textile Dyeing and Printing Technology
  • Textile Spinning Technology
  • Textile Weaving Technology

CAT and ACCA after Matric

Association of Chartered Certified Accountants is the full form of ACCA and CA stands for Chartered Accountant. This is the field of accounts that students can join after matriculation. There is a great scope for these fields in the market. There is great hard work in these fields but after doing one of these professional diplomas, these students have a bright future.

  • A career in Financial  Accounting
  • A career in Cost and Management Accounting

After Matric 10th Class Courses and Diplomas List in Pakistan

What to do after matriculation? This is a question that is asked by every teenage student who has passed or is taking the exams of matriculation. This question arises because there is no career counseling and coaching is available. A student who has just passed the examination is unable to choose the best career for themselves. Mostly, the career is imposed on them by their parents or the teachers. This is not a best practice. The student must get career counseling where the professional may assess them and guide them to the best career track for them.

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