
Admission in CA ACCA FIA HDA in PAC Academy 2025

Here students can find the Admission in CA ACCA FIA HDA in PAC Academy 2025 . Admissions 2025 has been opened in the Professional Academy of Commerce in various programs like CA (Chartered Accountancy). ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants), FIA (Foundations in Accountancy), and HDA (Higher Diploma in Accounting). Admission application submission the Last date will be provided here. When the dates will be officially announced by the academy. Above all Class, Commencement dates will also be provided here after the admission module 2025 .

Admission in CA ACCA FIA HDA in PAC Academy 2025


  • CA
  • ACCA
  • FIA
  • HDA

CA Charted Accounted:

Accordingly, Chartered Accountants provide audit and tax advisory and management services to individuals and business organizations. They can work for firms offering these services or even start up their own firms. In a globalized economy, the opportunities for them to work for multi-national corporation banks, oil refineries, FMCGs, and other commercial organizations are on the rise.


ACCA Association of Chartered Certified Accountants:

ACCA is an internationally recognized qualification in accountancy. The holder of this qualification for known as Chartered Certified Accountant.

FIA Foundations in Accountancy:

Foundations in Accountancy consists of a suite of awards, including certificates, diplomas. Finally, revised Certified Accounting Technician (CAT) Qualification. These flexible awards focus on the core skills of financial accounting. So, management accounting. At the same time, the wider role of the accountant in business is at higher levels.

Foundations in Accountancy contains the following qualifications:

  • Introductory Certificate in Financial and Management Accounting – awarded on the completion of exams FA1 and MA1 and Foundations in Professionalism
  • Intermediate Certificate in Financial and Management Accounting – awarded on the completion of exams FA2 and MA2 and Foundations in Professionalism
  • Diploma in Accounting and Business – awarded on the completion of exams FAB, FMA, and FFA, and Foundations in Professionalism
  • Certified Accounting Technician (CAT) Qualification.

HDA Eligibility:

Higher Diploma in Accounting (HDA) is jointly certificated by the Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA) and BIMS. HDA has recognized by universities and professional bodies in the UK and worldwide. As shown above, the aim of the Higher Diploma in Accounting (HDA) is to provide students with a sound. Its basic business education is suitable for those seeking a range of careers in industry, commerce. And public administration and thus enabling them to be more successful when seeking employment.

Matric/ O-Level-/ A- Level/Intermediate/ Graduation/ Result waiting Students can also apply

Age Requirement

Minimum 15 Years

Exemptions for Admission in HDA

If a student has completed or partially completed qualifications such as ACCA, CIMAP, MBA, M.Com, B.Com, BBA. At least, he/she becomes eligible for exemptions into HDA.

Tahir Malik

I'm an Educational writer with a B.Ed degree having a passion for educating, and delivering my knowledge for the sake of students' growth.

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