A level and O Level in Pakistan is Equivalent to?
Here students get details about the A level and O Level in Pakistan is Equivalent to?. All the certificates and grades are awarded by the accredited Examination Board/Authority/Syndicate and institutions. While recognized by the Education Authority of the country of origin is considered for equivalence. The conversion of marks/grades is as per the approved procedure reproduced below:-
- General Guide of O and A Level
1. The major principle for equivalence of qualification is to identify the relevant stage in Pakistani System by considering the number of schooling years and the subjects in foreign and local system.
2. The certificates and their marks/grades from accredited/recognized
Examination Boards will be equated with Pak equivalent marks as per approved formula.
3. The actual marks from a recognized Examination Board Authority/Syndicate will not be considered as such, but will be equated to the Pakistani equivalent marks as per approved formula.
4. The certificates/transcripts issued by the foreign institutions / schools / colleges will be considered and their grades/marks shall be subjected to a deduction to maintain uniformity and range of scores with Pakistani system. As per conversion formula the marks/grades will be first equated with Pak equivalent marks as given in the related context and then 10% marks will be deducted from the total marks.
A level and O Level in Pakistan is Equivalent to?
5. Subject group of candidate will be shown in the Equivalence Certificate (i.e.Science Group or General Group), as the case may be.
6. In case exact marks of each subject are available, deduction will be made as:
- 10% deduction will be made on given marks, in case of external examination system.
- 20% deduction on given marks, in case of internal examination system.
7. Only academic subjects will be considered for conversion purposes.
GCE O Level, GCSE, IGCSE and Equivalent:-
GCE O Level and 10 years schooling in any education system is considered equivalent to Secondary School Certificate ( SSC ) subject to meeting the requirements as under:
i. Pakistan Based Examination (local exam): Eight subjects including English, Urdu, Islamiyal, Pakistan Studies, Mathematic and three electives.
ii. Overseas Based Examinations (overseas exam): Five subjects including English, Mathematics and three electives (other than Islamiyat, Pakistan Studies, and Urdu).
To qualify for Science Group it is necessary to pass Physics, Chemistry, Biology or (* Computer studies / * Information Communication Technology / * Information Technology / * Additional Mathematic / * Pure Mathematics). Rest will be placed in General / Humanities Group.
- The relaxation will not be allowed to the students who will pass ‘O’ level examination in the academic year 2025 and onward with the condition that such an equivalence of SSC (Science Group) will not be valid for HSSC (Pre-Medical Group) even if Physics, Chemistry and Biology subjects are passed at ‘A’ level or in any other system.
GCE A Level and Equivalent
GCE O & A Level and 12/13 years of schooling is considered equivalent to Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC/Intermediate) subject to meeting the specified requirements for various streams / groups as under:
Pre-Medical Group: Eight (local exam)/Five (overseas exam)
O Level subjects (including English, Urdu, Islamiyat, Pakistan Studies, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Biology/Computer Studies/ICT/IT/Add Mathematics/Pure Mathematics) and Three A Level (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) with minimum ‘E’ Grade.
Pre-Engineering Group; Eight (local exam)/Five (overseas exam)
O Level subjects ( including English, Urdu, Islamiyat, Pakistan Studies, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology/Computer Studies/ICT/IT/Add Mathematics/Pure Mathematics and three A Level subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics) with minimum ‘E’ Grade.
General Science Group: Eight (local exam)/Five (overseas exam)
O Level subjects (not eligible for admission into Engineering and Medical Colleges) and three A Level subjects as per list at SUBJECTS REQUIRED FOR EQUIVALENCE
Humanities Group:
Eight (local exam)/Five (overseas exam) O Level subjects including English with three A Level subjects ( not eligible for admission into Engineering and Medical Colleges) is authorized to calculate marks on behalf of IBCC.
More A and O Level Guide for Students available Here
Subjects of O-Level And A-Level In Pakistan