2nd Year Guess Paper 2025 Sargodha Board
The student in the 2nd year who is going to appear in the final exam of the Sargodha board can check the necessary information from this place. The students are running to prepare for their final exam through different resources. We are providing the 2nd Year Guess Paper 2025 Sargodha Board in this post. So, you can easily get guess papers for the preparation for the 2nd-year final exam. The board of Sargodha is providing the model papers for the students on the official website. Before going to provide the guess papers for the 2nd year we want to elaborate on the guess papers in the below section. So, you will get the point to start your preparation according to the guess papers.
Normally, the big-name academies and private schools provide the guess papers to the students that make students happy to get good marks. Behind the scenes of guess papers, there is little research that belongs to the previous papers. So, the teacher of their respective subjects provides the guess papers to the students according to their experiences. But, the experience comes from the past papers which are available in model papers. Nothing but it is a simple way to focus on the main questions that normally come in every annual exam. However, the past papers work like guess papers in which the annual exam comes almost more than 50%. So, the students who prepare for their final exams through the model papers or guess papers can easily get good marks.
Bise Sargodha Board Guess Papers
Here we are providing the sample papers that will help you to start your preparation for every subject. There are almost all subject guess papers are available with the source of the official board. So, you can check English guess papers, Math guess papers, Computer Science guess papers and other 2nd year subjects guess papers online. However, here we are going to mention some compulsory subjects and guess papers for the students of 2nd year. So, you can check in the below and start your preparation.
2nd Year Guess Paper 2025 Sargodha Board All Subjects
Define field, Redundancy, DBMS, Data Processing, and Data Manipulations. Define foreign key, primary key, indexes, ERD, and table/ relation from the 2nd chapter. However, the important questions of the third chapter are defining attributes, modeling, E-R diagram, and the purpose of the feasibility study. Besides, in the 4th chapter important questions are defined, integrity, synonyms, partial dependency, etc. The fifth unit’s main questions are RDBMS, defining IDE, and using MS Access query.
However, in Unit 7 the important questions are subform, the syntax of msg box, and events of mouse and keyboard. Even, the 8th unit questions are header files, types of errors, visual basic, VBA, and .net function. Moreover, the unit 9 questions are assignment statement, operator precedent, keywords, concatenation operator, etc. In this 10 unit, escape sequence, trace the error, function, etc. Lastly, in units 11, 12, 13, and 14, control structure, switch statement, type of loops, what is iteration? function call, global variables, prototyping. The text files, method, and property as well as binary system.