1st Year Tarjuma Tul Quran Guess Paper 2025
Several individuals are probing the 1st year tarjuma tul quran guess paper 2025. As the exams are going on, this paper will also be conducted. So, the aspirants should focus on the more important highlights. In this case, if you have already done a good study of this subject, you will get excellent marks. However, few aspirants could not focus on the entire book. So, for them, there are some valuable things to take action. In this case, you can cover the first topic of the introduction in which you will get good marks. So, the additional details are available in the below section.
The paper has a 50 percent knowledge basis, a 35 percent understanding, and a 15 percent application basis. In this case, from the first chapter, we are covering some main questions that you need to keep in mind before going to appear. So, it will help me to understand and take good steps for excellent marks. On the other hand, we are covering it according to the chapters that will lead to knowing about the major parts of the book. It also will facilitate the pattern concept that will help to consider the best practice. So, take a step to see the questions that are valuable and have a chance to come in the paper.
1st Year Tarjuma Tul Quran Guess Paper 2025
Chapter#1 Guess Paper
- What do you know about syllables?
- What do you know about syllables?
- Write down the decree of Holy Prophet regarding Surah Baqarah?
- Write down the decree of Holy Prophet regarding Surah Baqarah?
- What do you know about the beginning of Surah Baqarah?
- Which attribute of Allah is described in Surah Baqarah?
- Which attribute of Allah is described in Surah Baqarah?
- Translate the Arabic verses.
Chapter#2 Guess Paper
- Who is Hazrat Umar?
- What was the result of the Battle of Badr?
- How many people were captured in Ghazwa Badr?
- Which Ghazwat is mentioned in Surah Al-Umran?
- What lessons do we learn from the Battle of Uhud?
- How should believers live their lives?
- Which two groups are addressed in Surah Al-Imran?
- What was the number of Muslims and infidels in the Battle of Badr?
Chapter#3 Guess Paper
- What is the other name given to Ghazwa Uhud in Surah Anfal?
- How many people were imprisoned in Ghazwa Badr?
- What is meant by Anfal meaning booty/loot?
- According to Surah Anfal, Allah wanted Muslims to compete with which people?
- What is meant by two groups?
- In what cases is turning back allowed?
- In what form was Satan present in Badr field?
- What rewards did Allah give to the Muslims in the Battle of Badr?
Chapter#4 Guess Paper
- Surah Towbah is at which number in terms of order?
- What do you know about the head of Allah?
- What kind of action is called hypocritical behavior in Surah Towba?
- Who was with the Prophet during migration?
- How many assets did Hazrat Abu Bakr dedicate in the Battle of Tabuk?
- What is the other name of Surah Towbah?
- Why is there no Tasmiyah at the beginning of Surah Towbah?
- What were the results of the Battle of Tabuk?
So, these are the questions that you can recall before going to appear in the paper or exam center. It will help to get good marks. However, there are several verses in which you need to learn their translation for better marks. So, it will help to figure out and collect more outcomes in your final. But if you have any additional queries regarding the subject, you can mention them in the comment box.